Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Speak from the Heart

Thank you for supporting me. Because of increased interest, the blog has moved. Please follow this link.

Do you find that you surround yourself with people who speak from the heart?

I'm sure we all have acquaintances who are 'yes-men' and who say what they think we want to hear. But don't you find your friends are those who give you feedback that's honest and nurturing, criticism that's gentle and kind, and who support you no matter what? In other words, friends speak from the heart.

If we are to succeed in life with our integrity intact, we need to rely on our friends to help guide us. These are the people who will help us make decisions based on the right thing to do and not on how popular it makes us. And these are the people who help us keep it real!

How do we do this? One way is to remember that in order to surround ourselves with people who speak from the heart, we must become a person who speaks from the heart. Just imagine how kind and nurturing life will be when, one by one, we join the Speak from the Heart movement.

I want to be part of that world...don't you?

Speak from the heart.

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